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Board & Train Programs

How can a board and train program help my dog?

Help eliminate unwanted behaviors such as:

*Pulling on the Leash

*Counter Surfing

*Barking at the Door



*Rushing Through Doorways

*Protecting / Alerting Behaviors (Barking at outside influences, such as people approaching the home, cars passing by, etc...)



Cultivate the right behaviors such as:

*Teach Obedience Tasks (Sit, Stay, Lie Down, Go to Place & More...)

*Establish the Puppy Basics

*Teach Proper Crate Training

*Off Lead Recall

*Leash Manners

dog training board and train
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How do the programs work?

Step One: Pre-training Evaluation & Consultation


*In-home evaluation to assess the dog's day-to-day routine.

*Goal setting with you to determine what I will work on during the training.

*I create a customized training program to meet your dog's individual needs.



Step Two: Board & Train

$550 / Week

*Implement the training program designed for your dog.

*Your dog stays in a home environment, which can reduce their stress levels being away from their home.

*I have very low volume of dogs; never more then 3 training dogs at a time, which provides your dog with more one-on-one attention.  

*Your dog will only be handled by me, I do not have any staff.  Your dog is treated as one of my own while they train with me.

*Includes a one hour go-home lesson upon pick-up.

Step Three: Home Re-entry Lesson & Follow Up Call


*In-home lesson where we get your dog re-established into the household.

*I create a custom after training plan to help you improve your relationship with your dog and adjust their daily routine to help achieve your training goals.

*I help you implement the new training skills that your dog has learned.

*A week later we have a half-hour follow up call to go over any questions that may have come up.

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